Friday, July 25, 2008

about vi

10 Facts about Victoria Institution

Victoria Institution was established on the 14th of August 1893, and Founders' Day is celebrated on this date each year to commemorate those distinguished few who gave birth to our beloved V.I.. Among them were Sultan Abdul Samad, K. Thamboosamy Pillay, Kapitan Yap Kwan Seng, Loke Yew, Sir Cecil Clementi Smith and the British Resident of Selangor at that time, Sir William H. Treacher.

The first Headmaster of V.I. was Mr. G. W. Hepponstall served as the unofficial Headmaster until the arrival of Mr. B. E. Shaw, who was officially appointed to the post by the British High Commissioner.

The original V.I. still stands at present day Jalan Bandar (formerly High Street). What was then the school field now lies under the Traffic Police Headquarters. Due to frequent flooding of the nearby Klang River, the school was shifted, to its present location on the 2nd of March 1929. The opening of the new building was officiated by Sir Hugh Clifford.

The school tower carries the towering strength and majestic looks, that radiates confidence and gives moral support to all Victorians. It is also the only school clock tower in Malaysia.
The E-shaped structure of the main block is the oldest building in (the present) V.I.. It was constructed to provide Education to the Elite so that they may Excel in all field and achieve Eminence in society.

The school's motto comes from the proverb "Give a wise ma
instructions and he will be yet wiser". It means learning is a life long process and one learns until the day he dies. It also means that there should be humility in acquiring knowledge, and feelings of arrogance and prejudice should be relegated to the rear.
The present school song was written by G. F. Jackson.

The school colours, "the V.I. blues", come from the colours of two prestigious universities; Oxford (dark blue) and Cambridge (light blue). It was the hope of our founders that every Victorian would be able to complete their tertiary education at one of these two great institutions.

The school emblem/badge was designed by Mr. G. Burgess, a former teacher and art superintendant of the school. He was among the 33 V.I. teachers who fought the Japanese invasion of Malaya, and died as a prisoner of war.

The "Seladang" or gaur on the emblem, is a rare and almost extinct creature that is found only in this part of the world. It signifies that Victorians are a unique group, unlike any other